Premier League     2024-2025   [results]   [table]

Friday 16th August 2024

Premier League
   Manchester United 20:00 Fulham

Saturday 17th August 2024

Premier League
   Arsenal 15:00 Wolverhampton Wanderers
   Everton 15:00 Brighton and Hove Albion
   Ipswich Town 12:30 Liverpool
   Newcastle United 15:00 Southampton
   Nottingham Forest 15:00 AFC Bournemouth
   West Ham United 17:30 Aston Villa

Sunday 18th August 2024

Premier League
   Brentford 14:00 Crystal Palace
   Chelsea 16:30 Manchester City

Monday 19th August 2024

Premier League
   Leicester City 20:00 Tottenham Hotspur

Saturday 24th August 2024

Premier League
   AFC Bournemouth 15:00 Newcastle United
   Aston Villa 15:00 Arsenal
   Brighton and Hove Albion 15:00 Manchester United
   Crystal Palace 15:00 West Ham United
   Fulham 15:00 Leicester City
   Liverpool 15:00 Brentford
   Manchester City 15:00 Ipswich Town
   Southampton 15:00 Nottingham Forest
   Tottenham Hotspur 15:00 Everton
   Wolverhampton Wanderers 15:00 Chelsea

Saturday 31st August 2024

Premier League
   Arsenal 15:00 Brighton and Hove Albion
   Brentford 15:00 Southampton
   Chelsea 15:00 Crystal Palace
   Everton 15:00 AFC Bournemouth
   Ipswich Town 15:00 Fulham
   Leicester City 15:00 Aston Villa
   Manchester United 15:00 Liverpool
   Newcastle United 15:00 Tottenham Hotspur
   Nottingham Forest 15:00 Wolverhampton Wanderers
   West Ham United 15:00 Manchester City

Saturday 14th September 2024

Premier League
   AFC Bournemouth 15:00 Chelsea
   Aston Villa 15:00 Everton
   Brighton and Hove Albion 15:00 Ipswich Town
   Crystal Palace 15:00 Leicester City
   Fulham 15:00 West Ham United
   Liverpool 15:00 Nottingham Forest
   Manchester City 15:00 Brentford
   Southampton 15:00 Manchester United
   Tottenham Hotspur 15:00 Arsenal
   Wolverhampton Wanderers 15:00 Newcastle United

Saturday 21st September 2024

Premier League
   Aston Villa 15:00 Wolverhampton Wanderers
   Brighton and Hove Albion 15:00 Nottingham Forest
   Crystal Palace 15:00 Manchester United
   Fulham 15:00 Newcastle United
   Leicester City 15:00 Everton
   Liverpool 15:00 AFC Bournemouth
   Manchester City 15:00 Arsenal
   Southampton 15:00 Ipswich Town
   Tottenham Hotspur 15:00 Brentford
   West Ham United 15:00 Chelsea

Saturday 28th September 2024

Premier League
   AFC Bournemouth 15:00 Southampton
   Arsenal 15:00 Leicester City
   Brentford 15:00 West Ham United
   Chelsea 15:00 Brighton and Hove Albion
   Everton 15:00 Crystal Palace
   Ipswich Town 15:00 Aston Villa
   Manchester United 15:00 Tottenham Hotspur
   Newcastle United 15:00 Manchester City
   Nottingham Forest 15:00 Fulham
   Wolverhampton Wanderers 15:00 Liverpool

Saturday 5th October 2024

Premier League
   Arsenal 15:00 Southampton
   Aston Villa 15:00 Manchester United
   Brentford 15:00 Wolverhampton Wanderers
   Brighton and Hove Albion 15:00 Tottenham Hotspur
   Chelsea 15:00 Nottingham Forest
   Crystal Palace 15:00 Liverpool
   Everton 15:00 Newcastle United
   Leicester City 15:00 AFC Bournemouth
   Manchester City 15:00 Fulham
   West Ham United 15:00 Ipswich Town

Saturday 19th October 2024

Premier League
   AFC Bournemouth 15:00 Arsenal
   Fulham 15:00 Aston Villa
   Ipswich Town 15:00 Everton
   Liverpool 15:00 Chelsea
   Manchester United 15:00 Brentford
   Newcastle United 15:00 Brighton and Hove Albion
   Nottingham Forest 15:00 Crystal Palace
   Southampton 15:00 Leicester City
   Tottenham Hotspur 15:00 West Ham United
   Wolverhampton Wanderers 15:00 Manchester City

Saturday 26th October 2024

Premier League
   Arsenal 15:00 Liverpool
   Aston Villa 15:00 AFC Bournemouth
   Brentford 15:00 Ipswich Town
   Brighton and Hove Albion 15:00 Wolverhampton Wanderers
   Chelsea 15:00 Newcastle United
   Crystal Palace 15:00 Tottenham Hotspur
   Everton 15:00 Fulham
   Leicester City 15:00 Nottingham Forest
   Manchester City 15:00 Southampton
   West Ham United 15:00 Manchester United

Saturday 2nd November 2024

Premier League
   AFC Bournemouth 15:00 Manchester City
   Fulham 15:00 Brentford
   Ipswich Town 15:00 Leicester City
   Liverpool 15:00 Brighton and Hove Albion
   Manchester United 15:00 Chelsea
   Newcastle United 15:00 Arsenal
   Nottingham Forest 15:00 West Ham United
   Southampton 15:00 Everton
   Tottenham Hotspur 15:00 Aston Villa
   Wolverhampton Wanderers 15:00 Crystal Palace

Saturday 9th November 2024

Premier League
   Brentford 15:00 AFC Bournemouth
   Brighton and Hove Albion 15:00 Manchester City
   Chelsea 15:00 Arsenal
   Crystal Palace 15:00 Fulham
   Liverpool 15:00 Aston Villa
   Manchester United 15:00 Leicester City
   Nottingham Forest 15:00 Newcastle United
   Tottenham Hotspur 15:00 Ipswich Town
   West Ham United 15:00 Everton
   Wolverhampton Wanderers 15:00 Southampton

Saturday 23rd November 2024

Premier League
   AFC Bournemouth 15:00 Brighton and Hove Albion
   Arsenal 15:00 Nottingham Forest
   Aston Villa 15:00 Crystal Palace
   Everton 15:00 Brentford
   Fulham 15:00 Wolverhampton Wanderers
   Ipswich Town 15:00 Manchester United
   Leicester City 15:00 Chelsea
   Manchester City 15:00 Tottenham Hotspur
   Newcastle United 15:00 West Ham United
   Southampton 15:00 Liverpool

Saturday 30th November 2024

Premier League
   Brentford 15:00 Leicester City
   Brighton and Hove Albion 15:00 Southampton
   Chelsea 15:00 Aston Villa
   Crystal Palace 15:00 Newcastle United
   Liverpool 15:00 Manchester City
   Manchester United 15:00 Everton
   Nottingham Forest 15:00 Ipswich Town
   Tottenham Hotspur 15:00 Fulham
   West Ham United 15:00 Arsenal
   Wolverhampton Wanderers 15:00 AFC Bournemouth

Tuesday 3rd December 2024

Premier League
   AFC Bournemouth 19:45 Tottenham Hotspur
   Arsenal 19:45 Manchester United
   Aston Villa 19:45 Brentford
   Everton 19:45 Wolverhampton Wanderers
   Fulham 19:45 Brighton and Hove Albion
   Ipswich Town 19:45 Crystal Palace
   Leicester City 19:45 West Ham United

Wednesday 4th December 2024

Premier League
   Manchester City 19:45 Nottingham Forest
   Newcastle United 19:45 Liverpool
   Southampton 19:45 Chelsea

Saturday 7th December 2024

Premier League
   Aston Villa 15:00 Southampton
   Brentford 15:00 Newcastle United
   Crystal Palace 15:00 Manchester City
   Everton 15:00 Liverpool
   Fulham 15:00 Arsenal
   Ipswich Town 15:00 AFC Bournemouth
   Leicester City 15:00 Brighton and Hove Albion
   Manchester United 15:00 Nottingham Forest
   Tottenham Hotspur 15:00 Chelsea
   West Ham United 15:00 Wolverhampton Wanderers

Saturday 14th December 2024

Premier League
   AFC Bournemouth 15:00 West Ham United
   Arsenal 15:00 Everton
   Brighton and Hove Albion 15:00 Crystal Palace
   Chelsea 15:00 Brentford
   Liverpool 15:00 Fulham
   Manchester City 15:00 Manchester United
   Newcastle United 15:00 Leicester City
   Nottingham Forest 15:00 Aston Villa
   Southampton 15:00 Tottenham Hotspur
   Wolverhampton Wanderers 15:00 Ipswich Town

Saturday 21st December 2024

Premier League
   Aston Villa 15:00 Manchester City
   Brentford 15:00 Nottingham Forest
   Crystal Palace 15:00 Arsenal
   Everton 15:00 Chelsea
   Fulham 15:00 Southampton
   Ipswich Town 15:00 Newcastle United
   Leicester City 15:00 Wolverhampton Wanderers
   Manchester United 15:00 AFC Bournemouth
   Tottenham Hotspur 15:00 Liverpool
   West Ham United 15:00 Brighton and Hove Albion

Thursday 26th December 2024

Premier League
   AFC Bournemouth 15:00 Crystal Palace
   Arsenal 15:00 Ipswich Town
   Brighton and Hove Albion 15:00 Brentford
   Chelsea 15:00 Fulham
   Liverpool 15:00 Leicester City
   Manchester City 15:00 Everton
   Newcastle United 15:00 Aston Villa
   Nottingham Forest 15:00 Tottenham Hotspur
   Southampton 15:00 West Ham United
   Wolverhampton Wanderers 15:00 Manchester United

Sunday 29th December 2024

Premier League
   Aston Villa 15:00 Brighton and Hove Albion
   Brentford 15:00 Arsenal
   Crystal Palace 15:00 Southampton
   Everton 15:00 Nottingham Forest
   Fulham 15:00 AFC Bournemouth
   Ipswich Town 15:00 Chelsea
   Leicester City 15:00 Manchester City
   Manchester United 15:00 Newcastle United
   Tottenham Hotspur 15:00 Wolverhampton Wanderers
   West Ham United 15:00 Liverpool

Saturday 4th January 2025

Premier League
   AFC Bournemouth 15:00 Everton
   Aston Villa 15:00 Leicester City
   Brighton and Hove Albion 15:00 Arsenal
   Crystal Palace 15:00 Chelsea
   Fulham 15:00 Ipswich Town
   Liverpool 15:00 Manchester United
   Manchester City 15:00 West Ham United
   Southampton 15:00 Brentford
   Tottenham Hotspur 15:00 Newcastle United
   Wolverhampton Wanderers 15:00 Nottingham Forest

Tuesday 14th January 2025

Premier League
   Arsenal 19:45 Tottenham Hotspur
   Brentford 19:45 Manchester City
   Everton 19:45 Aston Villa
   Ipswich Town 19:45 Brighton and Hove Albion
   Leicester City 19:45 Crystal Palace
   Nottingham Forest 19:45 Liverpool
   West Ham United 19:45 Fulham

Wednesday 15th January 2025

Premier League
   Chelsea 19:45 AFC Bournemouth
   Manchester United 20:00 Southampton
   Newcastle United 19:45 Wolverhampton Wanderers

Saturday 18th January 2025

Premier League
   Arsenal 15:00 Aston Villa
   Brentford 15:00 Liverpool
   Chelsea 15:00 Wolverhampton Wanderers
   Everton 15:00 Tottenham Hotspur
   Ipswich Town 15:00 Manchester City
   Leicester City 15:00 Fulham
   Manchester United 15:00 Brighton and Hove Albion
   Newcastle United 15:00 AFC Bournemouth
   Nottingham Forest 15:00 Southampton
   West Ham United 15:00 Crystal Palace

Saturday 25th January 2025

Premier League
   AFC Bournemouth 15:00 Nottingham Forest
   Aston Villa 15:00 West Ham United
   Brighton and Hove Albion 15:00 Everton
   Crystal Palace 15:00 Brentford
   Fulham 15:00 Manchester United
   Liverpool 15:00 Ipswich Town
   Manchester City 15:00 Chelsea
   Southampton 15:00 Newcastle United
   Tottenham Hotspur 15:00 Leicester City
   Wolverhampton Wanderers 15:00 Arsenal

Saturday 1st February 2025

Premier League
   AFC Bournemouth 15:00 Liverpool
   Arsenal 15:00 Manchester City
   Brentford 15:00 Tottenham Hotspur
   Chelsea 15:00 West Ham United
   Everton 15:00 Leicester City
   Ipswich Town 15:00 Southampton
   Manchester United 15:00 Crystal Palace
   Newcastle United 15:00 Fulham
   Nottingham Forest 15:00 Brighton and Hove Albion
   Wolverhampton Wanderers 15:00 Aston Villa

Saturday 15th February 2025

Premier League
   Aston Villa 15:00 Ipswich Town
   Brighton and Hove Albion 15:00 Chelsea
   Crystal Palace 15:00 Everton
   Fulham 15:00 Nottingham Forest
   Leicester City 15:00 Arsenal
   Liverpool 15:00 Wolverhampton Wanderers
   Manchester City 15:00 Newcastle United
   Southampton 15:00 AFC Bournemouth
   Tottenham Hotspur 15:00 Manchester United
   West Ham United 15:00 Brentford

Saturday 22nd February 2025

Premier League
   AFC Bournemouth 15:00 Wolverhampton Wanderers
   Arsenal 15:00 West Ham United
   Aston Villa 15:00 Chelsea
   Everton 15:00 Manchester United
   Fulham 15:00 Crystal Palace
   Ipswich Town 15:00 Tottenham Hotspur
   Leicester City 15:00 Brentford
   Manchester City 15:00 Liverpool
   Newcastle United 15:00 Nottingham Forest
   Southampton 15:00 Brighton and Hove Albion

Tuesday 25th February 2025

Premier League
   Brentford 19:45 Everton
   Brighton and Hove Albion 19:45 AFC Bournemouth
   Crystal Palace 20:00 Aston Villa
   Nottingham Forest 19:45 Arsenal
   Tottenham Hotspur 19:45 Manchester City
   West Ham United 19:45 Leicester City
   Wolverhampton Wanderers 19:45 Fulham

Wednesday 26th February 2025

Premier League
   Chelsea 19:45 Southampton
   Liverpool 20:00 Newcastle United
   Manchester United 20:00 Ipswich Town

Saturday 8th March 2025

Premier League
   Brentford 15:00 Aston Villa
   Brighton and Hove Albion 15:00 Fulham
   Chelsea 15:00 Leicester City
   Crystal Palace 15:00 Ipswich Town
   Liverpool 15:00 Southampton
   Manchester United 15:00 Arsenal
   Nottingham Forest 15:00 Manchester City
   Tottenham Hotspur 15:00 AFC Bournemouth
   West Ham United 15:00 Newcastle United
   Wolverhampton Wanderers 15:00 Everton

Saturday 15th March 2025

Premier League
   AFC Bournemouth 15:00 Brentford
   Arsenal 15:00 Chelsea
   Aston Villa 15:00 Liverpool
   Everton 15:00 West Ham United
   Fulham 15:00 Tottenham Hotspur
   Ipswich Town 15:00 Nottingham Forest
   Leicester City 15:00 Manchester United
   Manchester City 15:00 Brighton and Hove Albion
   Newcastle United 15:00 Crystal Palace
   Southampton 15:00 Wolverhampton Wanderers

Tuesday 1st April 2025

Premier League
   AFC Bournemouth 19:45 Ipswich Town
   Arsenal 19:45 Fulham
   Brighton and Hove Albion 19:45 Aston Villa
   Nottingham Forest 19:45 Manchester United
   Wolverhampton Wanderers 19:45 West Ham United

Wednesday 2nd April 2025

Premier League
   Chelsea 19:45 Tottenham Hotspur
   Liverpool 20:00 Everton
   Manchester City 19:45 Leicester City
   Newcastle United 19:45 Brentford
   Southampton 19:45 Crystal Palace

Saturday 5th April 2025

Premier League
   Aston Villa 15:00 Nottingham Forest
   Brentford 15:00 Chelsea
   Crystal Palace 15:00 Brighton and Hove Albion
   Everton 15:00 Arsenal
   Fulham 15:00 Liverpool
   Ipswich Town 15:00 Wolverhampton Wanderers
   Leicester City 15:00 Newcastle United
   Manchester United 15:00 Manchester City
   Tottenham Hotspur 15:00 Southampton
   West Ham United 15:00 AFC Bournemouth

Saturday 12th April 2025

Premier League
   AFC Bournemouth 15:00 Fulham
   Arsenal 15:00 Brentford
   Brighton and Hove Albion 15:00 Leicester City
   Chelsea 15:00 Ipswich Town
   Liverpool 15:00 West Ham United
   Manchester City 15:00 Crystal Palace
   Newcastle United 15:00 Manchester United
   Nottingham Forest 15:00 Everton
   Southampton 15:00 Aston Villa
   Wolverhampton Wanderers 15:00 Tottenham Hotspur

Saturday 19th April 2025

Premier League
   Aston Villa 15:00 Newcastle United
   Brentford 15:00 Brighton and Hove Albion
   Crystal Palace 15:00 AFC Bournemouth
   Everton 15:00 Manchester City
   Fulham 15:00 Chelsea
   Ipswich Town 15:00 Arsenal
   Leicester City 15:00 Liverpool
   Manchester United 15:00 Wolverhampton Wanderers
   Tottenham Hotspur 15:00 Nottingham Forest
   West Ham United 15:00 Southampton

Saturday 26th April 2025

Premier League
   AFC Bournemouth 15:00 Manchester United
   Arsenal 15:00 Crystal Palace
   Brighton and Hove Albion 15:00 West Ham United
   Chelsea 15:00 Everton
   Liverpool 15:00 Tottenham Hotspur
   Manchester City 15:00 Aston Villa
   Newcastle United 15:00 Ipswich Town
   Nottingham Forest 15:00 Brentford
   Southampton 15:00 Fulham
   Wolverhampton Wanderers 15:00 Leicester City

Saturday 3rd May 2025

Premier League
   Arsenal 15:00 AFC Bournemouth
   Aston Villa 15:00 Fulham
   Brentford 15:00 Manchester United
   Brighton and Hove Albion 15:00 Newcastle United
   Chelsea 15:00 Liverpool
   Crystal Palace 15:00 Nottingham Forest
   Everton 15:00 Ipswich Town
   Leicester City 15:00 Southampton
   Manchester City 15:00 Wolverhampton Wanderers
   West Ham United 15:00 Tottenham Hotspur

Saturday 10th May 2025

Premier League
   AFC Bournemouth 15:00 Aston Villa
   Fulham 15:00 Everton
   Ipswich Town 15:00 Brentford
   Liverpool 15:00 Arsenal
   Manchester United 15:00 West Ham United
   Newcastle United 15:00 Chelsea
   Nottingham Forest 15:00 Leicester City
   Southampton 15:00 Manchester City
   Tottenham Hotspur 15:00 Crystal Palace
   Wolverhampton Wanderers 15:00 Brighton and Hove Albion

Sunday 18th May 2025

Premier League
   Arsenal 15:00 Newcastle United
   Aston Villa 15:00 Tottenham Hotspur
   Brentford 15:00 Fulham
   Brighton and Hove Albion 15:00 Liverpool
   Chelsea 15:00 Manchester United
   Crystal Palace 15:00 Wolverhampton Wanderers
   Everton 15:00 Southampton
   Leicester City 15:00 Ipswich Town
   Manchester City 15:00 AFC Bournemouth
   West Ham United 15:00 Nottingham Forest

Sunday 25th May 2025

Premier League
   AFC Bournemouth 16:00 Leicester City
   Fulham 16:00 Manchester City
   Ipswich Town 16:00 West Ham United
   Liverpool 16:00 Crystal Palace
   Manchester United 16:00 Aston Villa
   Newcastle United 16:00 Everton
   Nottingham Forest 16:00 Chelsea
   Southampton 16:00 Arsenal
   Tottenham Hotspur 16:00 Brighton and Hove Albion
   Wolverhampton Wanderers 16:00 Brentford